I’m proud of my son. He isn’t perfect, but he does have many excellent qualities, one of which is bravery. Also, like me, he hates bullies.
One day, when Will was in middle school, he was in the park near our house when he saw some older boys bullying some younger kids. Will yelled for them to knock it off, and when the didn’t, he moved in between the bullies and their victims. The small children were able to escape. Will, facing 3-to-1 odds, took a beating. That wasn’t the only time he confronted bullies, but it was the only time he came out on the short end of the stick.
Late yesterday evening, Will called out another bully with a history of terrorizing small children. It seems that rather than backing off, the bully is going to turn his attention to my son. Will tells me that he looks forward to seeing how Cabin Boy Bill Schmalfeldt makes a fool of himself this time.